Last Updated: Monday
November 08, 1999 |
Lockout to cost $89m a
day Nearly 4,000 longshoremen, warehousemen and associated workers
at west coast ports, including the port of Vancouver, were locked out
yesterday. Full
Story Attorney-General Dosanjh
steps up to the NDP leadership plate Attorney-General Ujjal
Dosanjh ended weeks of speculation yesterday by joining the growing list
of candidates to be B.C.'s next premier. Full
Story Suspect in 'unprotected
sex' case in custody A man under investigation
for knowingly infecting his sexual partner with the AIDS virus is in
custody on another criminal matter, RCMP said yesterday. Full
Story Ramsey vows spending
cuts To
try to keep a lid on the provincial deficit, Finance Minister Paul
Ramsey says cuts will have to be made to a number of government spending
programs. Full
Story Chinese migrants' protest
may spread A hunger strike by Chinese migrant woman unhappy to be stuck in
detention in Burnaby could spread today to their male counterparts in
Surrey. Full
Story So far, one government
sponsor The Vancouver Grey Cup committee is actively seeking taxpayer
money by selling sponsorships to government agencies in the run up to
the big game, B.C. Lions president Glen Ringdal confirmed yesterday.
Story Car pick?
Carclick! Looking for a new or used
vehicle? Kickstart your search with Carclick,
Canada's national automotive source. Compare vehicles through our
exhaustive profile database. Read reviews from The Province and national
writers. Search Vancouver's largest source of dealer and private vehicle
listings. It's all here on Carclick.
messages On December 31 and
January 1, The Province newspaper will have a special section devoted to
your millennium messages. Place your millennium message and/or
photo in the newspaper, and you could win a trip for two to Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico; or a trip for two adults and two kids to Anaheim CA.
Millennium messages: See The Province newspaper for details.
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