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Last Updated: Wednesday November 03, 1999 LOCAL NEWS

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Today's update is delayed because of problems with our server. Top Stories and Sports pages for today are available, and we're working on all other sections. Please be patient, and we apologize for the inconvenience.

Killer fights deportation living posh life in Surrey
A convicted killer and international felon is living quietly in South Surrey, running a pair of restaurants and raising sled dogs while Canada tries to kick him out of the country.
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Moore pal presses for safer circuits
A former driving instructor for Greg Moore says the 24-year-old Maple Ridge racer's death last Sunday could have been prevented by improvements to the track's infield.
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Pooh! says resident, upset about horse dung
Steve Yagisawa lives in a nice, quiet neighbourhood on the edge of Pacific Spirit Regional Park. The area is very green, the air is very fresh, and living there is very nice, except for one problem: all the horse dung.
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Killer fights deportation living posh life in Surrey
A convicted killer and international felon is living quietly in South Surrey, running a pair of restaurants and raising sled dogs while Canada tries to kick him out of the country.
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Tourism's economic punch adds zest to B.C.
A cheap Canadian dollar helped B.C. tourism operators this year, but lousy weather hurt.
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Millennium messages
On December 31 and January 1, The Vancouver Sun newspaper will have a special section devoted to your millennium messages. Place your millennium message and/or photo in the newspaper, and you could win a trip for two to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; or a trip for two adults and two kids to Anaheim CA. Millennium messages: See The Vancouver Sun newspaper for details.

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