Canadian Labour Congress

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SOURCE: Canadian Labour Congress

—For immediate release (Vancouver: 12-Nov-99)—

In 1989, they were 'freedom seekers.' In ‘99, they're called 'criminals.' Refugees deserve fair treatment.

Today CLC President Ken Georgetti joined BC Federation of Labour President Jim Sinclair speaking in support of the recent Chinese refugees jailed and on hunger strike in Burnaby, Prince George, and Vancouver. Georgetti commended Direct-action Against Refugee Exploitation (DARE) for drawing the nation's attention to this situation.

"Until DARE organized protests in the last two weeks, these 491 refugees were voiceless and faceless. Racism and xenophobia are, after all, the easiest emotions for gutless politicians and media personalities to tap — they have been doing just that for two centuries," said Georgetti.

"But all Canadians whose fathers, mothers or ancestors came to this country in wretched conditions must ask themselves...What crime have these Chinese men and women and their children committed? 10 years ago we would have welcomed them as ‘freedom seeking' refugees. Yet, the Chinese government is no more democratic now than it was then.

"Everyone can recall the massacre at Tiananmen Square. Today the government of China continues to crack down on freedom, from religious to labour to personal — including forced abortions.

"It is true that today China welcomes multinational corporations — but is this the reason we have had a change of heart toward refugees from this dictatorship? Since when does real freedom and the recognition of human rights take a back seat to an open door to big business?

"Canadian corporations do business in Cuba. Arguably, human rights are better recognized there than in China. Yet, Cuban baseball players are welcomed as refugees. Is the problem with the Chinese refugees — that they don't play baseball?

"And why are these men and women incarcerated and separated from their children? Some convicted criminals in Canada get ankle bracelets and Karla Homolka is enjoying time in a minimum security facility. But these people who braved Chinese internal security, the high seas, and the snake head capitalists, are not entitled to be with their children?

"Like others who have come to these shores, these refugees are entitled to a hearing and a check into their backgrounds before they are treated like criminals. This is a shameful chapter in our country's history.


For more information...

Tom O'BrienCLC
Tel: 613-526-7425

Lois RossCLC
Tel: 613-526-7426


CLC Union News


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