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Migrant smuggling trial proceeds

VICTORIA (CKNW/AM980) -- The B.C. Supreme Court Justice who threatened to dismiss migrant smuggling charges against nine Koreans, unless they were freed on bail, has reversed his decision, to the surprise of both the Crown and the defence.

Justice Ron McKinnon had threatened to dismiss all charges against the nine Koreans unless Immigration Canada agreed to release them so they could more easily meet with their lawyers. But Justice McKinnon says, in his frustration over all the legal wrangling, he forgot that the defence only wanted a week to review the 45 hundred pages of late-disclosed documents, not the several months he initially thought they would need.

As a result, even though Immigration Canada has refused to drop warrants for the nine, the judge withdrew his threat to scrap the charges, and revoked the bail he granted the accused last week.

Once four replacement jurors are selected, testimony in the trial that began three months ago will finally get underway.

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