(CKNW/AM980) -- If Immigration Canada refuses to free
nine Koreans on trial in Victoria, the judge hearing the
case says he'll throw out all criminal charges against
them. The nine Koreans were crew members on a rusty
freighter which brought Chinese migrants to B.C.'s
shores last summer.
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Ron McKinnon issued
the ultimatum after ruling that the prosecution had
breached the rights of the nine by not revealing that
four Chinese migrants on the Korean ship had been
indicted in Vancouver for allegedly being smuggling
Mr. Justice McKinnon ordered the nine freed on $5
bail each to make it easier for them to work with their
lawyers on their defence.
When told that the nine can't be set free because
there are Immigration warrants out for them, Mr. Justice
McKinnon told prosecutors they have until next Wednesday
to get Immigration Canada to agree to cancel those
warrants or he'll throw out all the charges.
In the meantime, because the trial -- which began
three months ago -- will now likely last until the end
of July, four jurors have been let go and are to be
replaced next week.