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B.C. police capture escaped migrants
WebPosted Tue Jun 6 00:21:28 2000

PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. - The RCMP have recaptured the last of seven Chinese migrants who escaped from a jail in British Columbia on Saturday.

All seven men were working in the kitchen shortly before their escape. Police used dogs and helicopters with infrared cameras to locate six men over the weekend. The seventh man was picked up, cold and hungry, on Monday in a nearby community.

Chang Zou

Chang Zou, 30, was the first fugitive police found about 22 hours after the group scaled a fence and bolted from the medium-security facility.

RCMP caught up to Zou less than half a kilometre from the Prince George Correctional Centre. They say the man was cold and frightened.

Several hours later, they found the five other fugitives. They were scratched up and hungry, but police say they seemed relieved to be discovered.

Police said they were worried about the men who had been hiding in dense bush nearby with no food but plenty of problems — ranging from clouds of hungry mosquitoes to territorial bears.

The detained migrants are among hundreds of Chinese citizens caught trying to sneak into Canada last summer in dilapidated boats.

Many paid smugglers a lifetime of savings for the dangerous voyage, only to be captured and detained by authorities on the West Coast.

Only a small number have been granted refugee status. Many have already been sent back to China, and the rest face deportation.

Just over two weeks ago, another illegal migrant broke out of the same facility. He was captured a few hours later.

B.C. Attorney General Andrew Petter has ordered an investigation into how the seven managed to escape.

Terry Milewski reports for CBC TV

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