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  7:09 pm AEST February 27 2000
40 more boatpeople sent back to China
AAP -- Another 40 Chinese boat people were sent back to China this weekend as part of a successful program of returning illegal arrivals, Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock said today.

He said the government had achieved outstanding results in returning boat people who had arrived illegally from China.

"The removal of another 40 boat people this weekend demonstrates the government's commitment to removing people who have no right to remain in Australia," Mr Ruddock said in a statement.

"In the past four years, 1,452 boat people have arrived illegally from China and 1,447 of those have been returned home.

"These returns underscore the strong relationship and cooperation that exists between the Australian and Chinese governments and shows the futility of undertaking such a perilous journey.

"It also shows a joint commitment in the crackdown on the people smuggling trade."

Mr Ruddock said these returns should send a clear message that if people believed lies peddled by people smugglers they would pay the price when they were sent home to a possible lifetime of debt.

He said people smugglers now faced up to 20 years' jail and fines of up to $220,000.

Unauthorised arrivals who proved their refugee status would now be granted only a three-year temporary protection visa instead of permanent residence.

Immigration and Customs officers now had the power to board and detain boats in international waters if the boats were suspected of being involved in people smuggling.
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