Brust to head DCX board Edwin Brust,
president and CEO of DaimlerChrysler Canada Inc., has been named
chairman of the Canadian operation, the company was to announce
Ottawa mulling refugee revamp Immigration
Minister Elinor Caplan plans an overhaul of Canada's refugee
determination system to answer demands for a speedier, more
efficient operation.
'Over the edge' Tait may be back Windsor
police are on the hunt for criminal lawyer Don Tait, believed to
have been smuggled into the country from the U.S. Friday night,
stuffed in the trunk of a car, sources say.
MPs had role in funding scandal MPs who
approved projects in their own ridings should be held to account for
the problems with the Liberal's Transitional Jobs Fund, says a
leading expert on public administration.
Lions gamble on Stewart Getting running
back James Stewart is a gamble worth the risk according to the
Detroit Lions.