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Last Updated: Tuesday February 15, 2000 LOCAL NEWS

5.25% Vancouver tax hike looms
Vancouver property owners face a 5.25-per-cent tax increase this year unless department heads at city hall can do some creative cost-cutting.
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Pro-life UBC students sue over attack on their display
Three pro-life University of B.C. students filed legal action Monday against the Alma Mater Society, accusing three student council leaders of stifling freedom of speech and destroying a campus anti-abortion display last Nov. 23.
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Justice officials pressure RCMP to open all files
Under pressure to defend itself against mounting lawsuits, the federal government has been quietly trying to get its hands on hundreds of RCMP criminal files, including its investigation of the tainted blood scandal, court documents show.
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Regional Roundup
News briefs from around the Lower Mainland.
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Crown prosecutors likely to walk off the job today
Crown prosecutors across B.C. were planning to begin a two-day withdrawal of services today to protest having been without a contract for almost two years.
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Animators blase over end of B.C.'s Disney era
The Walt Disney Company ended months of speculation Monday by officially announcing it will cease "active animation production" in Vancouver and Toronto this spring.
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Win a trip!
What's the most romantic thing you've done for your sweetheart? Tell The Vancouver Sun newspaper, and you could win a trip for two to the exotic Cook Islands. The prize includes round-trip airfare for two, and 12 nights at the Rarotongan Beach Resort. See The Vancouver Sun newspaper for details and entry form. Contest closes at noon Thursday February 17.

Free birth announcements
Calling new parents and new grandparents: For a limited time, The Vancouver Sun newspaper is offering free birth announcements. They're published on Mondays, and allow for about 30 words. Call the Sun's classified advertising phone line at 605-7355 for details.

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