Six Chinese migrants
VANCOUVER - Immigration officials have
deported the first of the Chinese migrants who arrived off the B.C.
coast over the summer.
'I think we're
taking a very appropriate response.'
| Immigration spokesperson Rob
Johnston says six migrants who were being held in jail in Prince
George were put on a plane back to China yesterday, "I think that
we're taking a very appropriate response. We're satisfied that the
process does work, and we'll continue to make removals when cases
become removal-ready."
The six men had not applied for refugee status.
But five hundred other Chinese migrants have applied to stay in
Thirty-nine other migrants have had their refugee applications
rejected, but some of them still have the option of appealing.
One woman has been accepted as a refugee, because she feared
forced sterilization if she were to be sent back to China.
Sixty-four other migrants have disappeared.