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Last Updated: Sunday December 12, 1999 LOCAL NEWS

I've created a hamster!
Web wizard Deirdre LaCarte won her bet big time.
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Emergency overload
Critically ill people are being flown out of the Lower Mainland because of a crisis in the emergency health-care system.
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SkyTrain off track today, running again tomorrow
A labour dispute will shutdown SkyTrain today but workers say they will be back on the job tomorrow.
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Round 1 for Dosanjh
NDP leadership frontrunner Ujjal Dosanjh has gained most from a failed bid to change his party rules.
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This ticket's for you
Joe Kraljevic says Delta police should have to work harder if $100 tickets are being handed out.
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Professional crooks eyed for shoplifting
Career crooks and members of organized gangs are taking advantage of the holiday hustle to steal from retailers.
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Astro 2000: What the planets have in store for you
Wondering what the next millennium holds for you? Check out the astrology feature now posted on the site in Entertainment. Georgia Nichols tells you all you need to know about how the planets are lining up for all 12 signs of the zodiac.

Millennium souvenir editions
Guaranteed copies of the December 31, 1999 and the January 1, 2000 Special Editions of The Province newspaper. Neatly packed in an easy-to-store folder you'll want to keep for yourself and future generations. A perfect memento of Vancouver and our era. For details on how to order in advance, and a special offer for home-subscribers, please click here.

Empty Stocking Fund
The Province Empty Stocking Fund ensured that more than 34,000 disadvantaged children had a Christmas to remember last year. This year, the need is greater than ever. Please help give a Christmas to needy kids. Read about the Province Empty Stocking Fund, and how you can help. You can donate online, too, through our secure credit card system.

The Way We Were
This week and next, The Province newspaper presents a special millennium series: The Way We Were. Daily pull-out sections trace the history of our province, our country and our world. In The Province newspaper, daily through December 10 and Dec. 13 - 17. To subscribe, call 605-READ.

Millennium messages
On December 31 and January 1, The Province newspaper will have a special section devoted to your millennium messages. Place your millennium message in the newspaper, and you could win a trip for two to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; or a trip for two adults and two kids to Anaheim CA. Millennium message prices: Name Listing $10; 3-line Message $30; Additional Lines $3 each. Call (604) 605-7355 by December 15, or E-mail us before then at adinquiries@pacpress.southam.ca.

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