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Last Updated: Saturday December 11, 1999 LOCAL NEWS

Danger in the ER
Doctors at three of the Lower Mainland's largest emergency departments say delays in patient care have reached the point where their departments are sometimes unsafe.
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Shape up or I quit, premier tells caucus
VICTORIA -- Premier Dan Miller paid a rare visit to the press gallery Friday and sealed an important message for his New Democratic Party colleagues in general and former premier Glen Clark in particular.
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Racism claimed in NDP sign-up dispute
A long-time New Democrat and human rights activist said Friday he will complain to the B.C. Human Rights Commission if the NDP takes action to limit participation in its leadership race by thousands of new Indo-Canadian members.
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Business deal sours for Mayor Owen
Vancouver Mayor Philip Owen is involved in a messy dispute over the fabric store he sold to a Vancouver dressmaker this year for $351,915.
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Holtam appears shaken as doctor tells of death blows recited
Accused killer Doug Holtam appeared visibly shaken Friday as a forensic pathologist testified about the multiple blows to the head that killed Holtam's pregnant wife and six-year-old daughter two years ago.
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NDP seeks to cool membership battle
VICTORIA -- Facing allegations of racism, phoney memberships and dirty tricks, New Democratic Party leaders will meet in Vancouver today in an attempt to extinguish what has become a divisive battle in their ranks.
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Millennium souvenir editions
Guaranteed copies of the December 31, 1999 and the January 1, 2000 Special Editions of The Vancouver Sun newspaper. Neatly packed in an easy-to-store folder you'll want to keep for yourself and future generations. A perfect memento of Vancouver and our era. For details on how to order in advance, and a special offer for home-subscribers, please click here.

Top British Columbians
The Vancouver Sun newspaper brings you its 'Top 100 British Columbians of the Century'. Heroes, rogues and everyone in between: All in a special section of The Vancouver Sun newspaper on Wednesday, December 15.
Then you get your turn: Send the Sun your top 10 picks, and the Sun will run the readers-choice Top 100 List on December 22 and 23. E-mail your nominations by Wednesday, December 15. All submissions go into a random prize draw.

Millennium messages
On December 31 and January 1, The Vancouver Sun newspaper will have a special section devoted to your millennium messages. Place your millennium message in the newspaper, and you could win a trip for two to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico; or a trip for two adults and two kids to Anaheim CA. Millennium message prices: Name Listing $10; 3-line Message $30; Additional Lines $3 each. Call (604) 605-7355 by December 15, or E-mail us.

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