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Seven Chinese migrants miss their immigration appointment
WebPosted Aug 26 1999 9:20 AM PDT

VANCOUVER - Immigration officials have issued arrest warrants for the seven missing people. They arrived on the first mystery boat from China and had applied for refugee status.

Now that the seven have missed their immigration appointment, they have two weeks to check in or have their claims thrown out.

It's a disappointment for Peter Wong, the executive director of the Vancouver Association of Chinese Canadians. Wong says, "There could be a number of explanations. They may have worked with relatives, gone to another city... we don't know for sure." Wong says his staff is checking to see if anyone has any pertinent information.

69 people did report in as required. Rob Johnston of Immigration Canada takes some comfort in that number. He says, "69 people showing up contrary to all of the concerns, I'm pleased with that compliance." The first of several immigration hearings are scheduled for next week. The desire is to get them done quickly. Extra staff will be brought in so that other refugee claimants won't get bumped down the line.

Between the two mystery ships, more than fifty adults remain in detention. More than fifty young people are still in the care of the Ministry of Children and Families.

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