(BCTV) - It comes as
a surprise to no one, but it has still re-ignited the controversy
over Canada's immigration policies.
Seven of the 76 illegal Chinese migrants who were released
after turning up off Vancouver Island last month and were told to
report to Immigration once a week, have basically vanished.
Catherine Urquhart reports.
Catherine Urquhart, reporting: "Just minutes before the 3
o'clock deadline to check in with Immigration authorities...but
not all of them show up."
Rob Johnston, Citizenship & Immigration Enforcement: "For
the seven that did not appear, we will be seeking Canada-wide
warrants for their apprehension."
John Reynolds, Reform Justice Critic: "Over the past five years
- I think the average is pretty close to 80% - do not show up for
these hearings once they have asked for (refugee) status. They
should have kept them locked up until they found out who they
were, what they were..."
Catherine Urquhart, reporting: "The 123 migrants arrived July
20th, off the coast of Vancouver Island. Their decrepit fishing
vessel had brought them from China's Fujian province. Should the
general public be concerned that seven people have disappeared?"
Rob Johnston, Citizenship & Immigration Enforcement: "Well,
I think in the seven cases that they were already offered
release...and under terms and conditions. And so if they were
offered release, we would have been satisfied they weren't a
danger to the public."
John Reynolds, Reform Justice Critic: "They should be sent
home. There is a great movement in the Chinese community here in
Vancouver, "send these people home," because it is a bad example
we are pointing out to the rest of the people in China."
Catherine Urquhart, reporting: "Vancouver's Association of
Chinese Canadians believes the missing migrants may have
reasonable explanations."
Victor Wong, Assn. of Chinese-Canadians: "There may be some
reasons as to why they have not shown up for the role call.
Basically, they were all reminded last week that they had to show
up yesterday and today. So, for those people that didn't show up,
obviously they are in a little bit of trouble."
Catherine Urquhart, reporting: "The seven missing migrants
could be in for a lot of trouble. Mailed notices will give them
just two weeks to appear before authorities or their immigration
applications will be voided."