Last Updated:
Wednesday August 18, 1999 |
Inner musings, idle
fantasies So when did impatience become a virtue? Full
Story Copy the U.S.,
eh? Here's a way to make shoppers swoon. Mention the name
"Nordstrom's". Full
Story Cause of deadly chopper
crash remains a mystery The Transportation Safety
Board launched a formal investigation yesterday into the helicopter
crash that claimed a pilot and four members of a Vancouver family. Full
Story Special
career guide Today's Province
newspaper presents Career Paths, a unique guide to career trends
for the next millennium. This special feature section covers topics such
as success coaching, personnel agencies and high-tech job market trends.
Career Paths runs in today's Province newspaper's Money section,
Tuesday, August 17.
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Teens, drugs,
and you The Province newspaper's
powerful series on Teens and Drugs now is online, in full. It has
important stories of tragedy and triumph, and must-read information for
teens, parents, children, teachers and more. To see this special report
from reporter Kathy Tait, click on the Special Report icon on
this page, or here.