More migrants on
mystery ship WebPosted Aug 11 1999
5:46 PM PDT
VANCOUVER - It's happening all over
again. Immigration Canada, the RCMP, the Coast Guard and The
Department of National Defense are dealing with the arrival of
a boatload of migrants on the B.C. coast.
It appears the captain of a mystery ship off the Queen
Charlotte Islands tried to dump his human cargo and make a run
for it.
The ship dropped off the 150 Chinese men, women and
children in Gilbert Bay on the southern tip of the Queen
RCMP constable Tracy Rook says the captain turned the ship
around and made for the open water. A military plane hailed
the captain to stop and the RCMP ship Inkster is now guarding
the vessel.
The RCMP says that the boat and its 8-member crew are of
Korean origin. But once again the migrants are from the Fujian
region of China. This human cargo is larger than that found on
the first boat caught off Vancouver Island in July.