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Last Updated: Friday April 07, 2000 LOCAL NEWS

B.C.'s payroll up $1 billion in three years
VICTORIA -- Despite a restraint plan that was supposed to limit wage increases for B.C.'s public servants to two per cent over three years, the payroll has increased by $1 billion -- about 8.5 per cent -- over the period, Finance Minister Paul Ramsey revealed Thursday.
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TransLink pulls ads after a fcuk fuss
Pushing the envelope is all the rage among companies trying to appeal to the young and hip. There is a clothing line called Porn Star, another clothing line called Blunt (California slang for a marijuana cigarette), and even a line of skateboard duds called Fuct.
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Director's report on girl's death contradicts 'human error' blame
VICTORIA -- B.C.'s child protection director appears to contradict in his written report his public explanation of four-year-old Amanda Simpson's death, linking inadequate staffing and training to the tragedy that he had blamed on human error.
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Immigration bill tabled to deter people-smugglers
OTTAWA -- An immigration and refugee bill tabled Thursday will crack down on abuse while increasing the flow to Canada of genuine immigrants and refugees, according to Immigration Minister Elinor Caplan.
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CA contender wants private health plan
OTTAWA -- Rich Canadians should have access to a private health-care system in order to save medicare for the poor and middle class, B.C. MP Keith Martin said Thursday after entering the Canadian Alliance leadership race.
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Mexican judge to rule whether Mission woman, 72, can go free
A Mexican judge will decide today whether fraud charges against an elderly Mission woman and her travelling companion will proceed or whether the pair will be freed from jail, Canada's foreign affairs department says.
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Regional Roundup
News briefs from around the Lower Mainland.
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Vote in this week's poll: Skiing and boarding safety
Two 16-year-old West Vancouver girls died last week after snowboarding into the out-of-bounds area at Cypress Mountain. An unbroken double rope surrounds the area where skiing and boarding is permitted, and warning signs are placed along this rope and on nearby trees. Are mountain officials doing enough to prevent adventurous skiers and boarders from taking dangerous risks?
Vote in this week's poll.

Faster classifieds
The Vancouver Sun newspaper has a new classified advertising section that's faster and easier to use. Ads are easier to find. The Top 10 categories have a special index, and there are new, clear sub-indexes on the following pages. The new section is called "ClassifiedsBC". We have classifieds online, too, through the pulldown Main Index at the top of this page.

Virtual Career Fair
B.C.'s own "Virtual Career Fair" is online at It has "virtual booths" where job-seekers can learn about high-tech and other employers by linking to their websites, and exploring career opportunities. And a discussion board will let job-seekers talk to companies about the job opportunities they can offer. Real audio/video offer three 60-second webcasts on the high-tech and film industries. And a rotating news box will give the latest news headlines related to the job market.

Win an Integra
You could win a 2000 Acura Integra Type R, one of only 210 imported into Canada, retail value $36,309. Look for an entry form in The Vancouver Sun newspaper. Enter at The Vancouver Sun booth at the Auto Show, through April 9 at BC Place Stadium. You can also enter by mail or at the Sun office; see the entry form for details.

Auto Show goes digital
An innovative Virtual Auto Show is online as part of the Vancouver Auto Show. You can navigate the Auto Show floor plan, link to manufacturers' sites, access the show's exhibitor lists -- and enter all the major auto show contests. There's a complete show package, with information that includes show hours, admissions, parking, and tips on transportation. Online readers will even be able to send special Auto Show e-mail postcards to friends.

Sun Run booming
The Vancouver Sun Run, Canada's top 10K event, is heading for a record year. Check out the Sun run website, and find out why more than 39,000 people have already signed up!
The run takes place Sunday, April 16. You can register online, at the Sun Run website, up to 4 p.m. Pacific on April 12. You can register offline until April 15. Look for a big special Sun Run section in The Vancouver Sun newspaper on Thursday, April 13. And look for your name in the full race results in the newspaper on Monday, April 17.

Sun online services
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