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  10:25 am AEST April 27 2000
More boat people found off WA
AAP -- A boat carrying 76 suspected illegal immigrants was picked up today off Ashmore Reef.

The Australian Customs Service said the Indonesian fishing vessel arrived at the islands, to the north-west of Australia about 7am (AWST) (0900 AEST), and was intercepted by the Customs boat Botany Bay.

Navy vessels HMAS Gawler and HMAS Bendigo will help escort the boat and its passengers and four crew to the mainland.

"The ACV Botany Bay was patrolling in the area at the time after picking up four other suspected illegal immigrants from the reef on Tuesday," a Customs spokesman said.

"A flight by a Coastwatch Dash-8 patrol aircraft had sighted the four on the reef late on Monday."

The boat people would be handed to immigration department officials when they reached the mainland, the spokesman said.

The latest arrivals are the first for April.

Two hundred and sixty-one boat people arrived in Australian waters last month.
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