Chinese police arrested more than 100 Falun
Gong protesters as they marked the first anniversary of a much
larger demonstration.
A year ago today,
10,000 members of the spiritual movement gathered in Tiananmen
Square for a day of meditation.
Police kept their distance. But the Communist Party responded by
banning the movement and sending some of the leaders to prison for
up to 18 years.
As defiant members returned to the square, they performed more
meditation exercises and tried to unfurl their yellow banners.
There was confusion as plainclothes police tried to separate
Falun Gong followers from the tourists. There was also violence.
Police punched one man in the face for trying to erect a banner.
Those sitting down were pulled to their feet and dragged into vans.
Falun Gong followers say it's a peaceful movement based on
Buddhist and Taoist precepts, which help fill a spiritual void in
Beijing says the organization is an "evil cult" that seeks to
overthrow the state.