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  9:37 pm AEST April 26 2000
SA govt to raise concerns over illegal immigrants
AAP -- South Australia will raise concerns with the federal government over plans to release into the community more than 1,000 illegal immigrants being held in the state's north.

Premier John Olsen said today he had been told that up to 90 per cent of the 1,300 people at the Woomera detention centre would be granted temporary protection visas, allowing them to stay in Australia for three years.

He said he had also been advised that once the visas had been granted the refugees would be offered transport to one of only three locations, Perth, Brisbane or Adelaide.

They would be given just $500 by the Commonwealth to assist with the relocation in what the premier suspected was a cost-shifting exercise.

"Given the location of Woomera it is reasonable to expect a significant number of those offered visas will come to Adelaide," Mr Olsen said.

"On top of that preparations are under way to allow for a possible increase to 3,000 people at Woomera.

"That gives rise to significant implications for public housing, emergency accommodation, health and community issues."

Mr Olsen said South Australia strongly supported considered and co-ordinated responses to refugees rather than the piecemeal and crisis-driven approach that would inevitably result from the present arrangements.

"It is widely recognised that refugees require appropriate early, co-ordinated intervention and that the sooner they recover and settle the better for them and the whole community," he said.

"But this should be about fairness and about being serious about our responsibilities, not a cost shifting exercise."

Mr Olsen said he would raise his concerns at this week's ministerial council of immigration and multicultural affairs in New Zealand.
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